ACO Drain

ACO - trench drain leader

ACO - world leader in trench drains


Features a 100mm internal width with either a slotted or Iron Intercept Heelsaferegistration markAnti-Slip grate designed to withstand the heaviest applications up to Load  Class G (AS 3996).


In-line pits


PowerDrain S100K
  • Supplied complete with grate
  • 1-40 sloped system
  • 0.5% slope
  • Developed V-shaped profile
  • 5 neutrals
  • 4 half metres
  • Knock outs every 5th channel
  • Installation device
  • Visible channel markings
  • 100mm internal width
  • Slotted or Iron Intercept
    Heelsaferegistration mark Anti-Slip grate available
  • In-line pit



   S100K System Layout

PowerDrain system layout

   S100K Parts List

S100K System Parts table
Part No. Invert Depths Overall Depths Weight (kg)
Slotted Heelsafe Female (mm) Male (mm) Female (mm) Male (mm) Slotted Heelsafe
SK1-00 Neutral channel - (1m)1 150041 150341 100 100 125 125 33.7 36.1
SK1-1 Sloped channel - (1m) 150001 150301 100 105 125 130 33.7 36.1
SK1-2 Sloped channel - (1m) 150002 150302 105 110 130 135 34.1 36.5
SK1-3 Sloped channel - (1m) 150003 150303 110 115 135 140 34.6 37.0
SK1-4 Sloped channel - (1m) 150004 150304 115 120 140 145 35.0 37.4
SK1-5 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150005 150305 120 125 145 150 35.5 37.9
SK1-6 Sloped channel - (1m) 150006 150306 125 130 150 155 35.9 38.3
SK1-7 Sloped channel - (1m) 150007 150307 130 135 155 160 36.4 38.8
SK1-8 Sloped channel - (1m) 150008 150308 135 140 160 165 36.8 39.2
SK1-9 Sloped channel - (1m) 150009 150309 140 145 165 170 37.3 39.7
SK1-10 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150010 150310 145 150 170 175 37.7 40.1
SK1-010 Neutral channel - (1m)1 150043 150343 150 150 175 175 37.7 40.1
SK1-0103 Neutral channel - (0.5m)1 150044 150344 150 150 175 175 19.3 20.5
SK1-11 Sloped channel - (1m) 150011 150311 150 155 175 180 38.2 40.6
SK1-12 Sloped channel - (1m) 150012 150312 155 160 180 185 38.6 41.0
SK1-13 Sloped channel - (1m) 150013 150313 160 165 185 190 39.1 41.5
SK1-14 Sloped channel - (1m) 150014 150314 165 170 190 195 39.5 41.9
SK1-15 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150015 150315 170 175 195 200 40.0 42.4
SK1-16 Sloped channel - (1m) 150016 150316 175 180 200 205 40.5 42.9
SK1-17 Sloped channel -(1m) 150017 150317 180 185 205 210 40.9 43.3
SK1-18 Sloped channel - (1m) 150018 150318 185 190 210 215 41.4 43.8
SK1-19 Sloped channel - (1m) 150019 150319 190 195 215 220 41.8 44.2
SK1-20 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150020 150320 195 200 220 225 42.3 44.7
SK1-020 Neutral channel - (1m)1 150045 150345 200 200 225 225 42.3 44.7
SK1-0203 Neutral channel - (0.5m)1 150046 150346 200 200 225 225 21.3 22.5
SK1-21 Sloped channel - (1m) 150021 150321 200 205 225 230 42.7 45.1
SK1-22 Sloped channel - (1m) 150022 150322 205 210 230 235 43.2 45.6
SK1-23 Sloped channel - (1m) 150023 150323 210 215 235 240 43.6 46.0
SK1-24 Sloped channel - (1m) 150024 150324 215 220 240 245 44.0 46.4
SK1-25 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150025 150325 220 225 245 250 44.5 46.9
SK1-26 Sloped channel - (1m) 150026 150326 225 230 250 255 44.9 47.3
SK1-27 Sloped channel - (1m) 150027 150327 230 235 255 260 45.4 47.8
SK1-28 Sloped channel - (1m) 150028 150328 235 240 260 265 45.9 48.3
SK1-29 Sloped channel - (1m) 150029 150329 240 245 265 270 46.3 48.7
SK1-30 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150030 150330 245 250 270 275 46.8 49.2
SK1-030 Neutral channel - (1m)1 150047 150347 250 250 275 275 46.8 49.2
SK1-0303 Neutral channel - (0.5m)1 150048 150348 250 250 275 275 23.3 24.5
SK1-31 Sloped channel - (1m) 150031 150331 250 255 275 280 47.2 49.6
SK1-32 Sloped channel - (1m) 150032 150332 255 260 280 285 47.7 50.1
SK1-33 Sloped channel - (1m) 150033 150333 260 265 285 290 48.1 50.5
SK1-34 Sloped channel - (1m) 150034 150334 265 270 290 295 48.6 51.0
SK1-35 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150035 150335 270 275 295 300 49.0 51.4
SK1-36 Sloped channel - (1m) 150036 150336 275 280 300 305 49.5 51.9
SK1-37 Sloped channel - (1m) 150037 150337 280 285 305 310 49.9 52.3
SK1-38 Sloped channel - (1m) 150038 150338 285 290 310 315 50.4 52.8
SK1-39 Sloped channel - (1m) 150039 150339 290 295 315 320 50.8 53.2
SK1-40 Sloped channel - (1m)1 150040 150340 295 300 320 325 51.3 53.7
SK1-040 Neutral channel - (1m)1 150049 150349 300 300 325 325 51.3 53.7
SK1-0403 Neutral channel - (0.5m)1 150050 150350 300 300 325 325 25.4 26.6
Type 900 In-line pit (0.5m)2 141779 141780 - - 734 734 44.9 46.1
Type 900 In-line plastic rubbish basket 01498 - - - - 0.5
Universal end cap 96824 - - 317 317 0.2
Debris strainer for 100mm knockout 93488 - - - - 0.1
Installation device 97477 - - - - 1.3
Grate removal tool 01318 - - - - 0.1
PowerLok saftey clip 10443 - - - - -

1. This channel offers bottom knockout feature; S100K - 100mm round & 150mm oval.
2. In-line pit assembly (polymer concrete top with ductile iron edge rail, PowerLok grate & plastic base
3. Channel and grate assembly come complete.

   S100K Specification Information (Spec Info) Sheets

   S100K Site Installation Files

haunch to top pavers to edge haunch to top sloped haunch haunch to top haunch to top
PowerDrain S100K C-D   pdf  dwg pdf  dwg pdf  dwg pdf  dwg pdf  dwg
E-G   pdf  dwg pdf  dwg pdf  dwg pdf  dwg pdf  dwg